エジプトの自社畑での綿栽培と現地自社工場での紡績から、スイスの織工場まで、畑から生地になるまでの全てのサプライチェーンを自社で一元管理・運営するWEBA社製 GIZA コットン 100% の幅の違う二種類のストライプ生地を使用。
Using cotton cultivated from the fields of Egypt, but creating our product from our own selected factories.
Using Swiss factories from WEBA, but using our 100% GIZA cotton, WEBA in charge of the Swiss weaving of our products, uses 100% GIZA chambray fabric.
This fabric features a beautiful texture, and a faint yellowish glow, with has a flexible and comfortable fit.
Button down specifications; A pullover shirt made by sewing two pieces of fabric into a spiral shape, with only one stitch line.
着丈/Length: 72cm
身幅/Width: 112cm
裾幅/Hem Width: 108cm
肩幅/Shoulder width: 45cm
袖丈/Sleeve: 61cm
着丈/Length: 75cm
身幅/Width: 117cm
裾幅/Hem Width: 113cm
肩幅/Shoulder width: 47cm
袖丈/Sleeve: 63cm
着丈/Length: 77cm
身幅/Width: 122cm
裾幅/Hem Width: 118cm
肩幅/Shoulder width: 49cm
袖丈/Sleeve: 64cm
着丈/Length: 80cm
身幅/Width: 127cm
裾幅/Hem Width: 123cm
肩幅/Shoulder width: 51cm
袖丈/Sleeve: 66cm